NSaaS™ Trans kraft updates it existing application from Tracking to Tracebility with Object Warning and RFID Technology. Contact us now to secure your high value assets tracking and tracebility with our 24*7*365 Tracking Solutions
NSaaS Transportation Kraft
NSaaS Transportation Kraft - Nivriti Solutions Global Pvt. Ltd.

NSaaS™ Transportation Kraft using to track and manage moving vehicles like buses or delivery trucks, android app captures the location of vehicles and stores it in a Firebase Real time Database. A map is built with the support of Google Maps and it provides real time visibility of vehicles, routes, schedules and cost associated to deliveries.

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Trans Kraft currently provides tracking, tracebility applications along embedded RFID devices which has global positioning systems (GPS) to track your assets on live performance dashboard.


NSaaS™ Transportation Kraft takes care of:

  • Traceability

  • Asset Tracking & Recovery

  • Live GPS Tracking

  • Object Warning System

  • Weapons Tracking System

  • Animal Protection Tracking

  • Drone Mapping and Monitoring

  • RFID Technology

NSaaS™ Transportation Kraft serves for these Industries


Custom Hierarchies

Set up customized access and security levels to meet the needs of your organization. Create unlimited users and assign them to specific groups for easier management.


Web-based software (SaaS) offers significant savings on IT and hardware costs and gives your mobile workforce access to critical data, alerts and reports.

Prompt Alerts

Choose the condition that triggers the alert (speeding, idling, harsh braking, etc.) and who receives it. For example, if you want drivers to slow down in the rain or snow, trigger a lower-limit speeding alert when the vehicle’s wipers are active.

API Integration

Integrate with other enterprise systems such as SAP using standard web-based APIs (REST, SOAP etc.). Help improve the speed and accuracy of data collection for your payroll, HR and CRM solutions.

Smarter Maintenance

Track vehicle maintenance to easily generate alerts for your own service department or local dealer. Help improve the accuracy of your preventive maintenance program to reduce costs.

Trend Analysis

With fleet data securely stored for up to two years you can run historical reports to uncover insightful trends, support investigations and extrapolate reliable forecasts. Cloud-based storage is regularly backed up and replicated.

Your Map. Your Way.

Mark your map with markers (also referred to as POI’s or landmarks) to identify areas of interest such as depots, customers, job sites or prohibited locations. Filter the map view to show specific marker types.

NSaaS Transportation Kraft

Satellite View

Get valuable insight on map locations with the most current and comprehensive satellite imagery commercially available. Includes both Street side and Birds Eye views for extra detail. New images added daily.

Custom Map Overlays

Show interactive GIS data (such as power or sewer lines, land use grids or parcel data) as a map layer. Supports ESRI Shape-file, Map-info MID/MIF, Autodesk DXF).

Flexible Labeling

Not every fleet is the same. A flexible terminology module allows you to localize key elements of the user interface so it reflects your business more closely. For example, change driver to field technician or vehicle to crane.

Asset Utilization

By monitoring all high-value assets you’ll know quickly which equipment could be getting you a better return. Relocate or sell unused assets, and help improve the ROI on what you’ve got.

Smart Dispatch

Quickly locate and dispatch the nearest mobile worker with the right skills and vehicle for the job. Filter by attributes or tags and sort by distance. Right-sized dispatch reduces per-mile costs and double-handling of jobs.

Time Zones/Languages

Go global with multiple language support including Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese and Arabic. Tracked assets can be tagged to specific time zones for more accurate reporting.

What Happened Here?

A powerful tool for creating a detailed window on historical events. Improve the speed and efficiency of internal investigations for damage claims or accidents, easily replaying the sequence of events.

Asset Tracking

Monitor and manage all types of mobile equipment to help improve safety, security and utilization. AEMP compatible.

Integrated Platform Approach

Combine all your mobile workforce software on a single platform for improved operational efficiency and data sharing. A true end-to-end connected intelligence platform.

Automated Scripts

Your fleet data has greater value when it’s part of a connected solution. Build custom workflow scripts that can be triggered based on multiple conditions.


Securely share a restricted view of your fleet activities to outside contractors or third parties. Set limits on what data can be seen and for how long. Ideal for work order confirmation, storm recovery or disaster response work.

Search Anything

Locate assets of interest quicker using the powerful search function that automatically updates the map based on your query. Easily find any vehicle, driver, location or tagged group for easier management of large fleets.

Route History

Replay one or more vehicle’s route history for specific dates and follow the actual route taken by drivers. Displays specific events as part of the route replay, such as speeding or stops, and shows history alongside other drivers.

Driver ID

Each driver gets a unique key fob, required for each journey. Report on vehicle behavior by assigned driver to isolate training opportunities.

Hours of Service

Setup hour tracking to manage legal driving hours and help improve the accuracy of trip scheduling to keep drivers within legal HOS limits.

Fuel Card Tracking

Track fuel card usage and automatically identify suspicious transactions using smart algorithms that minimize fuel card fraud.

Optimize performance

Have the reports displayed based on your frequency and time range preferences whether that’s daily, weekly or quarterly.